Quick links to find answers to those questions we have at one time or another!

Animal care: Emergency Services


For wildlife rescue the WIRES Rescue Office can be contacted 24/7 for information and rescue advice.

You can ‘Report a Rescue’ online.

Visit: https;//www.wires.org.au>central-coast

Call 1300 094 737

Native Wildlife Rescue Services

Hunter Wildlife Rescue are a group of wildlife care volunteers representing the Hunter Region Native Animal Trust Fund.

They have a 24/7 service local to our area and are able to collect injured/young wildlife of most species.

Call 0418 628 483

Animal care: Vets

Dumped Cars

Come across a car dumped near your property? Report it immediately as they can become a fire or environmental hazard.

If the car has a registration number plate contact the Morisset Police on 02 4973 9999

If the car does not have a number plate, contact Lake Macquarie City Council on 02 4921 0333

Or, to easily submit a report, download the new ‘Snap Send Solve’ app from: https://www.snapsendsolve.com/new-south-wales/

Dumped Rubbish

Contact Lake Macquarie City Council on 02 4921 0333

Or, to easily submit a report, download the new ‘Snap Send Solve’ app from: https://www.snapsendsolve.com/new-south-wales/

If you witness rubbish being illegally dumped, take note of the registration plate of the culprit (if safe to do so) and contact the EPA urgently at https://ridonline.epa.nsw.gov.au/#/home

State Forests

Have the State Forest as your immediate or close neighbour and experiencing problems? State Forest staff are happy to help solve any problems. Their fact sheet ‘Living Near a State Forest’ covers many important issues.

To download a copy, please visit: https://www.forestrycorporation.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/251639/living-near-state-forests-factsheet.pdf

Call 1300 655 687 or 02 9872 0111

For all other contact numbers, please visit our Directory page.